Start of Day Procedure

We recommend doing all of these tasks in order. This will help ensure smooth running of the venue throughout the day.

Turn on all lights in arena

Turn on all the lights so you can clearly see the floor and any potential hazards.

Turn on all VBS screens

In order for the VBS to work properly, they must be on and ready to communicate before the game server is turned on at the start of the day. If you do not do this, then the VSB will not work during the first game of the day, and there is no guarantee for any games after.

Sweep floor and check for any hazards

Ensure the floor in the arena is clean and clear. This is for the safety of your players.

Turn on Game Server PC

Turn on the Game Server PC, the game server should run automatically.

If the game server does not start when you turn on the PC, click here.

Check that the Game Server and Scoreboard are running

The game server should be running. If the scoreboard is not running, double click on the scoreboard icon on the desktop. If your game server PC is on most of the time (overnight), and you just turned on your VSB, shut down the Game Server then start it up again.

Click here to set up your scoreboard to start with your PC automatically.

Turn off the extra arena lights (the ones not on during gameplay)

Now ensure that all the in-game arena lights are working.

Run a test game with all phasers

Take all phasers off charge, put them into pre-game mode, then run a game. Let the game play out. If there any any phasers with problems, this may help indicate which ones may need to be repaired or reset.

You can also check on your VBS at this point, when the game is running, they should be displaying powerups.

If your arena has any DMX lighting or custom events, check that these are working as desired.

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