These steps should be performed once a day to ensure all equipment is functioning properly.
- Restart Server PC and Network Switch once a week.
- Turn on Score Monitors and Arena Lighting
- Turn on Arena Sound System
- Start All Delta Strike Software
- Game Server, Games Manager, Scoreboard
- Unplug all vests from the charging rack
Check every pack for:
- Any damage; torn vests, missing buckles, cracks in Phaser shell, damage to hoses
- “Rattle Check” all Phasers; shake Phaser and listen to fo any parts that may have come loose inside
- Trigger and Hand Sensor functionality
- Screen functionality is correct
- Any packs failing these checks should be pulled aside and reported as per Best Practices Procedures
Check all Phasers are communicating with the server:
- Reset all phasers from PC – All Phasers should light up.
- Use the remote to put all Phasers into sleep mode – All Phasers should turn off their vest lights.
- Any packs failing these checks should be checked, and if necessary, pulled aside and reported as per Vest Practices Procedures.
- Reset all Phasers one more time, add them to a One-Shot Game mode and verify that they tag players out.
Fix all faulty packs and remember to follow Delta Strike’s Best Practice Procedures
Center Specific:
- Refill Haze Machine
- See the process documentation for your center.