Occasionally, a phaser will display an Error Code on the Phaser LCD Screen instead of the normal startup interface. An Error Code: 2 usually indicates a problem with Wifi Module or Phaser Mainboard Circuit.
1. Place Phaser into Bootloader and check ‘RF’ is set to ‘Server’.
To learn how to use Bootloader to change settings, click here.
2. If the settings are correct, check the Wifi Module.
Open the phaser and check that the Wifi Module is correctly oriented, with the Wifi antenna plug towards the top of the phaser. Make sure the module is plugged in firmly to the Phaser Mainboard Circuit. Check to make sure the “Wifi” light on the mainboard is lighting up.
3. If the problem persists, remove the Wifi Module and test the phaser with a Wifi Module from a working Phaser.
Refer to Replacing Phaser Components if you are unsure how to do this.
If Phaser boots and no longer displays the error code and shows up on the DeltaWare™ Game Suite, replace the old Wifi Module with a new one. Remember to update the IP address after installing a new modem.